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Mooresville or Newton, NC

Blue Light

Statesville, NC

One of the eyewear products that we have to offer to our Statesville, NC customers are glasses that can successfully block out blue light.

Blue light is emitted from many different sources, including computers, the sun, televisions, lightbulbs, cellphones, and tablets. More and more adults, as well as children, are being exposed to excessive amounts of blue light than ever before. When your eyes are exposed to significant amounts of this light, you may struggle with tired eyes, light sensitivity, and loss of sharp contrast vision. Additionally, studies have shown that exposure to blue light can contribute to more serious vision problems, such as macular degeneration and focus issues.  Studies have also found blue light to interrupt your body’s ability to produce melatonin, which can cause sleep problems.

How Do You Know You Have Digital Eye Strain?

Many of us use computers both professionally and at home. While technology is easily incorporated into our day, one of the first things that can suffer is our eyes. So, when is it time to turn off the electronics because you are experiencing digital eye strain?

  • One of the primary symptoms of digital eye strain is dry, itchy, or tired eyes.
  • You might also experience trouble focusing, as though your eyes cannot read what’s on the screen.
  • Alternatively, your eyes may begin to water or seem blurry without a direct cause.
  • You might begin to experience increased light sensitivity.
  • There are glasses specifically made for people who work on computers and electronics for long periods of time during the day. If this is you, come visit Vision Center of Lake Norman and we can help prevent digital eye strain.

Although your first reaction upon hearing about the dangers of excessive blue light exposure may be to try to rely less on electronics, this can be hard to do if you are required to use technology on a daily basis for either work or school. Although doing what you can to limit how much blue light your eyes are exposed to is a good idea, at Vision Center of Lake Norman, we have another solution.

At our office serving the Statesville, North Carolina area, one of the eyewear products that we have to offer are glasses that can successfully block out blue light. If you are interested in these glasses, we would be more than happy to give you more information about them and their benefits.

We look forward to meeting all of your vision and eye care needs now and in the future. Please contact us today to find out more about our eyewear products, including those designed to block out blue light, and how we can assist you.


At Vision Center of Lake Norman, we can help protect your eyes from blue light in Mooresville, Davidson, Troutman, Sherrills Ford, Terrell, Huntersville, Statesville, and Cornelius, North Carolina.