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Mooresville or Newton, NC

Eye Health

Cornelius, NC

Regular appointments can help keep your eye health strong by checking for disease indicators. 

Here at Vision Center of Lake Norman, we want all of our patients to enjoy good eye health. There are so many things that can happen to your eyes, beyond just the need for glasses or contacts, and we want to help you prevent and treat issues that may be affecting your eye health. Some of the most common issues that we see include:

  • Vision Problems. Very few people have perfect vision, and even fewer keep it through their lifetime! We are equipped to help individuals of all ages and stages correct their vision problems for a clear sightline to the days ahead.
  • CataractsCataracts are like wearing glasses that have smudges or obstructions, but never being able to clean them! This condition is common among many people, especially those whose eyes have been damaged by tobacco use or UV rays.
  • DiabetesDiabetes affects the eyes, causing you to grow extra vessels or even leading to blindness. We can help detect and manage these problems to help save your vision.
  • GlaucomaGlaucoma affects your vision through the optic nerve, and it is often a slow progression that people don’t notice until it’s too late!
  • Macular DegenerationWhen the macula of your eyes starts to degrade, you will lose your ability to focus, especially in details. This can be very bothersome and irreversible, making early detection a must.
  • Dry/Red Eyes. This common problem can feel like you have sand in your eyes. We can work together to find a solution that will moisturize and relive the irritation.

Allergies and Your Eye Health

Did you know that your eyes can be affected by allergies just like other parts of your body? You may experience signs of allergic conjunctivitis, such as itchiness, redness and swelling. There can be many different causes of eye issues due to allergies, including seasonal pollen, mold spores, or an allergic reaction to chemicals or household items. If you are experiencing allergy symptoms with your eyes, you should consult with your optometrist to help alleviate the problem.


How does the eye work?

These are just a sampling of problems that can affect your eye health. We want to ensure that your eyes are working in their best possible condition, so be sure to contact us today here at Vision Center of Lake Norman if you are in the Cornelius, North Carolina area for an appointment!

At Vision Center of Lake Norman, we can help you preserve your eye health in Mooresville, Davidson, Troutman, Sherrills Ford, Terrell, Huntersville, Statesville, and Cornelius, North Carolina.