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Our optometrist, Dr. Chuck Monson, is here to help you manage the discomfort that comes from living with dry eyes in Mooresville, NC.

Dry Eye Diagnosis & Treatment  

Dry eye disease can cause uncomfortable symptoms or even significantly impact quality of life; however, many people don’t realize that dry eye is the culprit. At Vision Center of Lake Norman, Dr. Chuck Monson and his team have a thorough understanding of the causes of dry eye disease and can properly diagnose and treat this condition.  

What is dry eye disease?  

Dry eye disease is a chronic condition in which the tears are not sufficient to keep the front surface of the eye lubricated properly. When the eyes do not produce optimal tears to keep them moisturized, dry eye occurs. Because dry eye is a common condition where the symptoms can mimic those of other issues like eye allergies, it is frequently under-diagnosed.  

Tears help give you clear vision, lubricate your eyes, protect against infection, and help with wound healing, so the proper production and drainage of tears is an important part of maintaining optimal eye health and vision.   

What are the symptoms of dry eye?  

People suffering from dry eye disease may experience these symptoms:  

  • Burning, stinging, or itching eyes  
  • A scratchy or sandy feeling in your eyes  
  • A sensation of having something in your eyes  
  • Increased sensitivity to light  
  • Difficulty with driving at night 
  • Eye pain or redness  
  • Stringy mucus or discharge from your eyes  
  • Fluctuating vision   
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses  

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may find that they are worsened while working in front of a computer for hours on end, driving, reading, or watching television, because we tend to blink less often during these times. When your eyes are not properly lubricated, they are more likely to dry out and become irritated.  

What causes dry eye?  

Dry eye disease can have many different underlying contributing factors, including underlying health conditions, inflammation, certain medications, hormonal changes for women during pregnancy or menopause, and more.  

  • Meibomian gland dysfunction, or MGD, is one of the most common causes of dry eye disease. The meibomian glands are small oil glands located in the upper and lower eyelids and secrete oil which coats the surface of the eyes and prevents moisture from evaporating. Water, oil, and mucin layers make up the tear film, and this tear film is what keeps the surface of the eye healthy.  Meibomian gland dysfunction occurs when the oil-producing meibomian glands are clogged and unable to create a healthy tear film to keep the eyes properly lubricated.   
  • Sjogren’s Syndrome causes the immune system to attack the moisture-producing cells in the body, so it’s common for people who have Sjogren’s Syndrome to also have a dry mouth, dry eye, and dry skin.   
  • Thyroid disorders, including Graves disease, or hyperthyroidism, in which the thyroid makes too many hormones, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, also known as hypothyroidism, in which there are low levels of hormones can cause dry eye.  
  • Sometimes, people who wear contact lenses can develop dry eye symptoms. These symptoms can be worsened if they have improper contact lens hygiene, or if they are overwearing their contact lenses. If they have an underlying condition causing dry eye disease, then wearing contact lenses can be uncomfortable or even painful, so wearing specialty contact lenses may be necessary.   
  • Seasonal allergies can result in ocular inflammation and symptoms of dry eye.   
  • People who spend most of their working hours looking at computer or tablet screens can develop symptoms of dry eye, because we tend to blink less often when concentrating on a digital screen, and even when we do blink, the blinking is what’s known as partial blinking, and this type of blinking isn’t as effective at keeping the eyes moist.   
  • Women who are pregnant, going through menopause, or post-menopausal can develop dry eye due to hormonal changes.  

Treatment options for dry eye 

Our qualified eye doctors at the Vision Center of Lake Norman are trained in diagnosing and treating dry eye disease. Through the evaluation and tests performed at a annual eye exam, your eye doctor will gather the information needed to determine if you may have dry eye.  

If a diagnosis is made, your doctor will work with you to put a treatment plan in place tailored to your unique vison and ocular health needs.  

Dry eye can vary in severity from person to person, as everyone is different. We offer many safe and effective treatment solutions for dry eye. These can include eye drops, lifestyle adjustments, and other strategies designed not just to treat your symptoms, but to address the source of the issue, making your treatment more sustainable and allowing you to live a comfortable, high-quality life.  

At Vision Center of Lake Norman, we can help if you are dealing with dry eyes in Mooresville, Davidson, Troutman, Sherrills Ford, Terrell, Huntersville, Statesville, and Cornelius, North Carolina.

    We offer vitamins to support eye and overall health

    Did you know there is a strong relationship between what you eat and your eyes? Increasing your intake of foods that contain ingredients like Omega-3s, Vitamin A, and gamma-linolenic acid (found in primrose oil) can impact your eye health and help improve your daily comfort levels.


    dry eye treatment

    Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)


    reduces inflammation


    effectively treats dry eye disease


    safe & gentle

    dry eye treatment

    Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)


    provide long-lasting relief


    may also decrease the appearance of facial wrinkles, acne, and rosacea.